Abstract art is a VIBE .

70—93% of all communication is nonverbal .

It’s not always about talking to/at folx in order to “connect” … the endless slew of words can, in fact, keep us hungry and longing for depth .

There’s a reason music is a “universal language” and HEALS US on the daily on levels we could never truly put into words . A certain look from someone you’re attracted to ... touch ... color ... what do these experiences have in common ? They all have an evocative quality to them . 

abstract art is no different — it’s a V I B E 

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📸  @haionlife

You may think that you aren’t into it or you “just don’t get it” but I would challenge you — especially in this time where life has slowed way the fu*k down (whether we like it or not ... ) and we have some actual space for new things (whether we choose to fill it with anesthetizing substances or dreadful thoughts about our imagined future or worries about money or 17549 more to-do’s that don’t actually matter and aren’t gonna enhance our lives in any way … ) to invite curiosity in around these “beliefs” because as this global crisis continues to unfold, we are also in a mofo renaissance right now, y’all — TRUST ME .

So many artists I roll with are on fucking fire 🔥🔥 at this very moment (as am I) and you wouldn’t want to miss out on all that because you took yourself out of the game labeling art as “frivolous” or a “luxury for the privileged” or whatever other BS has been programmed into you !!

And on that note — I would like to invite you to a solo art show I am curating next month (LIVE from Mexico City) and all you need is access to a computer to mess with it — I hope to see many of y’all there 🖤

GET THE 411 and/or RESERVE YOUR 🎫 🎫 HERE !

Nikki Coffelt