EVOLVE with me 🌓✨


“You can never really teach a warrior with words about the unknown

you must use experience .

But if you look into the eyes of a woman of power, you may catch up with her a little . She has years of truth ahead of you . Her eyes can quicken you like a river heading toward the rapids …

Open yourself with love—

not with understanding .

You can not love with your mind

Lynn V. Andrews 


📸 Oaxaca, México

WELCOME . I am thrilled our paths have finally crossed ! I am Nikki .

I’m a multidisciplinary artist with a PhD, a wild embodied feminist and a conceptual thinker . I ran a successful evolutionary consultation practice in San Francisco for nearly 15 years, have studied intensively with shamans and most importantly, I’ve been in my own process of reclamation and deep healing for many years . I continue to pass the wisdom of non-ordinary consciousness down to a handful of motivated students invested in personal + collective evolution. Find out more here

The kinds of things folx come to me seeking mentorship around :::

“ I have existential questions “

“ I am craving deeper intimacy in my life “

“ I want to refine my voice as an artist/writer/etc“

“ I am so curious about Jungian dreamwork “

“ I would like to reclaim my creativity and power via shadow work

“ I am an artist and want to deepen my practice “

“ I want to invest in my holistic / preventive health and sovereignty

For any/all inquiries, we would love to hear from you ! Please click the button below when you are ready to move beyond your conditioning and claim your destiny .  I look very forward to connecting with you 🖤



“ Your courage is electrifying — thank you ! “

Heather D .

“ You are a true artist . And your lived experience and ability to be bold in sharing your journey has shaped my path towards artistry “

Kai L .

“ Your insight blows my mind . . . “

Kaitlyn D .

“ A true artist — that’s what you are . And a wise soul “

Patricia W .

“ Thank you for being a rock of consciousness and perception —

you know we couldn't do it without you ! “

Tristen B .